Attracting & Retaining Sydney’s Top Tech Talent - What You Need to Know in 2023

Think things have stayed the same since 2022? Well, not quite.
While the top five employer drivers haven’t necessarily changed, (spoiler- alert!) the way Sydney-based candidates are prioritising them certainly has.
If you’re in the market for some new tech talent, our latest Candidate Motivators Report showcases some interesting trends we think you’ll want to take note of.
With over 54% of talent planning to make the jump to another organisation for a new job (compared to 13% planning to change jobs within the same organisation), it might be time to take a closer look at your offering. Would it spark your interest?
What’s important to people has never changed as rapidly as it has over the last few years and it can feel overwhelming trying to keep up - don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Want to know what Sydney tech talent really want in 2023? We won’t keep you in suspense any longer.
Morning runs and smoothies are important to
The new top driver for Sydney candidates doesn’t come as much of a surprise considering the rapidly changing landscape of the modern workplace - we’re talking about flexible working arrangements (54.37%). This was closely followed by a good work-life balance (53.99%).
Both of these drivers made the top five last year. However, their increased importance shows candidates are now looking for employers that offer benefits that add real value to their lives. People want to be able to do their morning run via their local park or grab a green smoothie from the neary local cafe before starting their day.
What does flexible work look like in your organisation? Are candidates aware it’s a part of your EVP?
It’s not just about the money
That attractive salary that we saw take the number one spot last year is now sitting in third place.
With the cost of basically everything going up lately, Sydneysiders are feeling the pinch. Having a healthy salary is always going to be a top priority for candidates, especially for those who enjoy eating their greens. However, a great compensation package, including attractive benefits, is becoming increasingly important.
While paying people well is definitely a must, think about your overall package too. Having a great salary but zero flexibility isn’t going to cut it anymore.
Over 43% of candidates have changed their job or plan to do so in order to receive better benefits. Over 74% of candidates agree that non-monetary benefits are just as important to them when weighing up employers.
The numbers don’t lie.
More than just yoga and fruit bowls
Wellbeing in the workplace continues to be a hot topic.
Linking in nicely with drivers one and two, Sydney candidates are on the lookout for organisations that actively promote the importance of a work-life balance and their personal wellbeing.
More than free yoga sessions and fruit bowls at the cafe, look at how your leaders and managers interact with their teams and how they set people up for success.
Having a healthy wellbeing budget is a great start, but you really need to be walking the walk when it comes to wellbeing.
For the long haul
Want your employees to stick around for the long haul? What career development opportunities do they have?
We’ve gone from the great resignation to the great stay, but you will only be able to attract and retain that top talent if you’ve got something worth sticking around for.
Over 31% of candidates utilised their learning and development budget in the last year, but 28% weren't offered any growth opportunities. People want to feel supported in their career development and given the chance to flourish. Consider what you’re offering your employees right now - would you be interested?
Only a small number of candidates intend to change jobs with the same employer (13% male and 15% female), and only 10% of all survey respondents actually got a new job with their same employer in the last year (up from 8% the year prior) - so there’s certainly plenty of room for improvement.
Finding time for the finer things in life
That’s really what this is all about. We love our work, but we want to live life too.
There isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to benefits for your employees. This means tailoring and personalising benefits to the needs of your top talent is a must if you want to attract and retain the best of the best for your business.
A health pay cheque is great. Solid bonuses, even better. But if there’s no time or flexibility left to enjoy it, candidates are saying, what’s the point?
Curious to know more about what’s driving the Sydney talent market? Click here to download the 2023 Candidate Motivators Report.